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Showing posts from 2012

RAID 5 Data Recovery

RAID 5 Data Recovery When a customer comes to use with a RAID 5 query, it is important that our engineer understands the concept of RAID 5, the different versions and in some cases proprietary variations. A working RAID 5 system will consist of at least 3 drives. The total accessible data are will be the equivalant of the total sum of n -1 times the size of the smallest of the drives in array) so if we build a RAID 5 array that has 4 x 36 Gb drives the size of the array would be 36 x (4-1) which gives 36 x 3 = 108 Gbytes. The remaining 36 Gb is used to calculate parity this is done using XOR calculations For RAID 5 there is a parity block that shifts its position in the array for each stripe.. The diagram above shows our 4-drive raid 5 array with the Parity block (p) marked in each stripe (A, B, C, D) and Data blocks marked A1, A2 ... through .. D2, D3 Lets explain this a bit more clearly. In the above array it shows the first four stripes or rows (A B C ...
Website update.. New article about the purpose of the ATA register on a hard disk, programming it and how to check for errors. The article describes the different ports on a hard disk and their purpose. These ports are commonly used by advanced data recovery systems where direct port access is used to read and write to hard disks. In particular when reading and writing the system or factory area on the hard disk requires usage of these ports in order to gain the access required to modify and repair damaged system modules on hard disks. For more information :

SSD Data Recovery

SSD Data Recovery SSD Drives are becoming more commonly used in a whole range of applications, from laptop computers to mobile phones. As dependence on data becomes an increasing part of everyday life losing it can be a catastrophe. This is where we come in to help. The latest advances in SSD data recovery We are now able to use direct access to many SSD drives which means we can fix drives with firmware problems or drives with passwords set and in some cases we can access the data directly through the processor on the drive. As long as the unit is alive we can access the data. It may not show in your computer or laptop any more but if the circuit is working there is an excellent chance our new technique will enable access to the data. Advanced SSD Data Recovery We are able to; Read the User and Master passwords Reset the user and master password Direct reading of memory chip data using physical-level access through controller - even on unrecognised SSD drives. ...

Raid Data Recovery

We have recently updated our Raid Recovery website to our new 'theme' We are able to recover data from all types of RAID system including RAID 0 - Striping RAID 1 - Mirroring RAID 5 - Striping with Parity Rotation RAID 6 - Striping with Dual Parity We can recover data from almost any operating system, including; Windows, Linux, Unix, VMFS, ESXi, XFS, SFS and from all makes of server (Hp, Compaq, IBM, Fujitsu, Sun, etc). RAID are usually used in server system allowing central access to critical data for example; Email Server - Exchange, Groupmail, hMailserver, etc. SQL Server - MySQL, MS SQL Server, Postgres SQL, etc File Servers - Accounts packages, User stores, etc Web Servers - eCommerce, Websites, ftp servers, etc. Some machines may also have Virtual servers all running from the same box so a system failure could result with several core functions dropping at the same time. If you need help with your lost data from a RAID server, NAS, SAN or any other ...

Seagate 7200.11 Firmware Problems

Data Recovery from Seagate Hard Disks with Firmware Problems Major problems with firmware found on Seagate 7200.11 drives. Seagate hard disks failing because of a problem in the programming of the hard disks. The problems manifests itself by either reporting as 0 LBA or the drive is just not recognised at all. MjM Data Recovery were one of the first companies in the UK able to fix these drives. What happened next was almost unbelievable. Once Seagate became aware of the problems they released a firmware update in order to prevent the problem occurring in drives that had not yet failed. There was (at least) one model of drive that if the firmware update was applied, it stopped the drive from working - completely 'bricked'. As you can imagine, this caused disquiet and uproar on the Seagate forums and Seagate had to cave in, admit the problem and issue another fix, they withdrew the firmware update and replaced it with another and offered a free data recovery ser...

MjM Data Recovery Limited

Data Recovery Services: Having recently moved to Gamlingay on the Cambridgeshire / Bedfordshire border, we are now in a position to offer easy access data recovery services for customers in 4 counties. London and the South Cambridgeshire Bedfordshire Hertfordshire Buckinghamshire We are within easy driving distance from major towns in the area including Town Distance (Miles) Bedford 16 Cambridge 19 Cambridge- Science Park 18 Huntingdon 14 Milton Keynes 33 Newmarket 33 Royston 12 Stevenage 19 St Neots 7 We are able to recover data from hard disks, raid, tape, memory cards and all other computer storage devices. Please phone 0800 072 3282

Slow Reponding Toshiba Drives

Toshiba Laptop Data Recovery Some problems have been found with Toshiba Laptop drives where the computer will fail with any of the following symptoms .. The drive hangs during boot Unable to access data Computer is very slow Problem with Drives We found the problem which is related to the G-List ( Grown defect list )it either becomes corrupt or is not readable. If it is not readable by the drive then the correct translator algorithms can not be run and so the drive slows down or even stops completely. Solution to Toshiba Hard Disk Problem. The solution is very complex and requires specialist equipment to enable rebuilding of the defect maps externally to the drive. However, once this is achieved the data can be accessed and a near perfect recovery is possible. For more information on this problem please visit our Toshiba Data Recovery pages.