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Data recovery from Toshiba Hybrid Drives.

Data Recovery from Toshiba Hybrid Drives.

After months of research we have finally cracked the Toshiba Hybrid SSD problems.

Searching through reams of code resulted with a list of commands that enables us to manipulate the firmware on the SSD-side of these drives. Codes to modify the hard disk side are well known throughout the DR trade, but problems with Hybrid drives usually result with unrecoverable drives.

For MJM Data Recovery that is no longer the case, we are are able to recover data from these drives that usually show as three types of failure.

  • The drive does not spin.
  • The drive spins but hangs the computer
  • The drive spins and give ID but data can not be accessed.
The problem is determined by the symptoms, but we can reset SMART for the SSD-side of the drive, reset SSD-side cache and when necessary completely reset the NAND.

We recover for end users, IT companies and other Data Recovery companies.

For more information please see this Data Recovery - Toshiba Hybrid Drives

For other data recovery news :  Data recovery news

For our main site on data recovery : MjM Date Recovery Ltd


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